We provide a full list of the web services
* Site stat counters can be added to your site. David King Web Development uses a third party stat counter to monitor site traffic. Please note stat counters are not part of the standard design but can be added to the site upon request.
Rather than a new web page for each article you may wish to have a downloadable Newsletter or promotional leaflet. It is quite common to have available downloads on websites and these either take the form of Portable Document Files PDF’s or other forms of newsletter or mailers.
Besides producing PDF for all sorts of promotion, Newsletter, instructions other forms of web communications are available. Two which we use frequently are Mail Chimp and Calaméo.
Mail Chip allows you to mail HTML based promotional leaflets and Calaméo allows you to publish an online catalogue, magazine or newsletter. This can be linked to a website page..
“Don’t for get to put your website address and email on all your letterheads, business cards, promotional leaflets and email signatures”
PDF’s are quite commonly used and later versions of MS Office have the facility to convert Office documents into PDF’s. Why do this? The main reasons are that a reader of the PDF doesn’t need expensive software to read the content because PDF readers are FREE.
Other reasons for converting documents are to help reduce file size hence speed up downloads and lastly it helps in a small way to protect your work.
There are a number of very good free customer mailing systems on the web. With Mail Chimp it is FREE to use up to a 500 customer base so if you are starting a new business this may be a good way to start and keep the costs down.
With Mail Chimp a widget can be downloaded from your account to be placed in an appropriate space on your website to allow visitors to sign up for your free mailing. It is OK the visitor can also remove themselves from your mail list without you having to do anything.
Mail Chimp comes with pre-designed templates however David King Web Development can also make a template that suits your needs and reflects your corporate image. The mailers you send are also tracked so you can see who has read your communication and track any promotion you may have within them.
The online magazine software.
With Calaméo you can upload a PDF file for easy online conversion into an automated online magazine. The user can flip the pages with a click of a mouse and within your document you can add links to web pages or other media.
Within the setting you can allow viewers to download a PDF version of your document or apply restrictions to viewers so they restricted to viewing the content online. If you are paper conscious person then this form of displaying a large amount of content may be for you.
Links to your documents can be added to any website.
Your Newsletters can be made into any form of document. A single HTML page for Mail Chimp or a PDF file for easy download or use with Calaméo conversion.
Some sites like to keep archive newsletters for members only and a member’s area only can be made on your website. This area will require your or staff member to maintain it because only you will know who should have access and who not.
Member’s area falls into a different category of web design and will require a server based database. If you think this is something you may require then this can be built into your website. To view an example of this in action visit the Museum of Power website however if you’re not a member all you will see is a login page!