Apple Pie

Home Baking


Ingredients (serves 4-6)

Apple pie with or without cinnamon 7” pie tin

175g (6oz) plain flour, plus extra for dusting
85g (3oz) butter cubed
about 3 tbsp cold water
1/2kg dessert or cooking apples (Bramley or Granny Smiths)
juice of 1 small lemon
40g (1 ½ oz) sugar, plus 1-2 tbsp to glaze
1 tsp cinnamon
1tsp corn flour
1 tbsp milk, to glaze


Preparation Time 45min including pastry chilling

Cooking Time 30-35min

Oven Temperature180°C (fan 160C/350F/Gas 4).


Traditional Apple / Apple and cinnamon pie is a family favourite best served hot or cold with cream, ice cream or custard. This simple dessert is easy to make and you are a cinnamon fan then add the spice if not just leave this out of the mix.

Use dessert apples as these will break down and soften nicely

If you wish you can use bought pastry


Make and roll out the shortcrust pastry: Prep 15 mins, plus 30 mins chilling

Place 175g (6oz) plain flour in a bowl with the cubed butter.

Using your fingertips, rub the butter into the flour until it resembles breadcrumbs.

Add 3 tablespoons cold water, a spoonful at a time and mix in with a wooden spoon.

When the mixture just begins to hold together in a soft mass enough water has been added

Remove the pastry from the bowl and turn it out onto the work surface. Shape the pastry into a ball and then wrap in it cling film and place it in a fridge to chill for 20-30 minutes.

Remove the pastry from the fridge and remove the cling film. Take 2/3 of the pastry and roll it into a circle, big enough to cover the inner surface of your baking tin with a bit extra to overlap the sides and line the tin with the pastry

With the remaining 1/3 roll out another circle enough to cover the top of the pastry tin

Place a baking tray in the oven and preheat to 180°C (fan 160C/350F/Gas 4).

Peel, core and slice the apples into large chucks. Put the pieces into a bowl containing water and lemon juice as this will prevent the apples turning brown and they will keep their nice white green colour. When all the apples are prepared remove the lemon / water mix leaving the apples in the bowl.

Add the sugar, cinnamon and cornflower to the apples and toss them into the mixture.

Pour the apples, sugar, cornflower etc into the pastry lined pie tin and cover the apples with the top circle of pastry.

Crimp the edge of the two pieces of pastry together and trim the excess.

Glaze the top of the now made pie with milk and cut a cross or two small central holes in the centre to allow steam to escape during cooking. Sprinkle the top with sugar

Put the pie tin on the baking sheet and bake for about 35–40 minutes. Turn the pie 180’once half way though the cooking time to ensure an even bake.

Remove from the over and again sprinkle with sugar.

Apple Pie Filling

Cripping the Pastry

Milk wash

Baked Apple Pie


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